Tarte à la Citrouille et à l'Érable

Pumpkin and Maple Pie

May 24, 2024Frédéric Favri


You will find all the Quebec ingredients in our store by clicking on the links included.

  • Shortcrust pastry – 1

  • Maple syrup – 250ml

  • Eggs – 2

  • Flour – 50 g

  • 35% whipping cream – 125 ml

  • Pumpkin puree – 420 ml

  • maple sugar

  • Whipped cream


    Here are the different steps to follow:

    Step 1: Preparation

    Preheat the oven to 190°.

    Place the shortcrust pastry in a suitable tart mold.

    Step 2: The Mix

    In a bowl, mix the eggs, maple syrup and flour until smooth.

    Then add the cream and pumpkin compote and mix well.

    Transfer this mixture to the shortcrust pastry.

    Step 3: Cooking

    Bake for 35 minutes or wait until the dough turns golden brown.

    Leave to cool slightly on a support.

    Step 4: Dressing

    Sprinkle with maple sugar and serve with whipped cream as an accompaniment, according to taste.

    Enjoy your food !

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