Vinaigrette à l'Érable

Maple Vinaigrette

May 24, 2024Frédéric Favri


You will find all the Quebec ingredients in our store by clicking on the links included.

  • Maple syrup – 1 tbsp

  • Dijon mustard – 2 tbsp

  • Wine vinegar – 2 tbsp

  • Olive oil – 4 tbsp

  • Chive

  • Salt pepper


    Here are the different steps to follow:

    Step 1: The Mix

    In a container, mix 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard with 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar.

    Using a fork, gradually add 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of maple syrup to the mixture.

    Step 2: Seasoning

    Salt and pepper to taste and, if desired, add chives or other aromatic herbs.

    Step 3: The Final Touch

    Prepare your favorite salad and coat it with this delicious vinaigrette!

    Enjoy your food !

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