Popcorn aux Épices et à l’Érable

Maple Spice Popcorn

May 24, 2024Frédéric Favri


You will find all the Quebec ingredients in our store by clicking on the links included.

  • Popcorn kernels – 180g

  • maple sugar – 30g

  • Olive oil – 45ml

  • Butter (preferably salted) – 100g

  • Ground turmeric – 2 tbsp. coffee

  • Paprika – 2 tbsp. coffee

  • Chili powder – 2 tbsp. coffee


Here are the different steps to follow:

Step 1: Start the Furnaces

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.

Prepare your baking trays with parchment paper.

Step 2: Cooking

Pop the grains in a pan with the oil.

While cooking, melt the butter, add the maple sugar and spices.

Step 3: The Mixture

Mix the popcorn well with the seasoned butter, spread it on the oven trays, and bake for 5 minutes!

Let it cool and it's ready to eat!

Enjoy your food !

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