Cake aux Noix de Pécan et Sirop d’Érable

Pecan and Maple Syrup Cake

May 24, 2024Frédéric Favri


You will find all the Quebec ingredients in our store by clicking on the links included.

  • Maple syrup – 80ml

  • Soft butter – 150g

  • Sugar – 140g

  • Eggs – 2

  • Flour – 130g

  • Yeast – Half a sachet

  • Pecan nuts – 200g


Here are the different steps to follow:

Step 1: Prepare the Mixture

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.

Mix all the ingredients, one by one, starting with the butter and sugar.

Step 2: Cooking

Line a cake mold and add the mixture.

Bake for at least 45 minutes and test the cake with a knife, if it comes out clean, your cake is ready!

Step 3: Dressing

You can decorate your cake with maple butter and a few extra nuts!

Enjoy your food !

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